Our Stone Honing Crew Delivered Beautiful Results on This Marble Floor in Harrison
December 20, 2023
For weeks, a homeowner in Harrison had been stressed over the marble floor in her master bathroom. She couldn't get the tiles to shine like they used to, and it made the floor look neglected despite her best efforts. Under these conditions, the marble's unique beauty wasn't enough to add cheer to her bathroom, and the homeowner didn't dare change her cleaning formulas on a whim.
One of her co-workers recommended calling Sir Grout Westchester when the homeowner went over her troubles with the bathroom floor. Natural stone surfaces required specialized care, so the homeowner looked through our online content with an eagle eye before deciding that our techs had the expertise to give an informed assessment. She scheduled an in-home evaluation and, on the scheduled date, our Harrison stone honing crew was at her doorstep.
They began their inspection as soon as they entered the bathroom, noticing the floor's sad look from the get-go. It was obvious that the tiles were well preserved, but this didn't stop the marble from looking dull. There were faint marks all over the floor, left by footprints and old scratches. While none of these marks was deep enough to cause lasting damage, they stood out glaringly when the light hit the tiles. The homeowner wanted to know what had caused the issue, so our techs listed the long-term effects of chemical cleaners on stone surfaces. They also confirmed that the tiles needed sealant to counter any signs of deterioration. At the end of the appointment, our specialists offered to have the floor honed and polished, promising that their equipment would restore the marble's shine. The homeowner gladly scheduled a new appointment and our crew agreed to return in a couple of days for the restoration.
During their second visit, they brought all the necessary tools to complete their work on the floors. For the first step, our techs soaked the surface with a stone-safe cleaner and eliminated all traces of dirt with the help of a high-speed scrubbing machine. Our powerful cleaner guarantees effectiveness and quick results, working through the dirt in minutes to clean large expanses of stone in little time.
To hone the tiles, our specialists prepared three sets of diamond pads. They ran each pad multiple times, increasing the level of dirt as the marks faded from the marble. At this point, the entire floor had taken a nice matte finish, so our experts knew they could move on to the next part of the process. They used special powders to polish the stone and, soon enough, the surface had regained its soft, elegant glow.
Lastly, our techs applied stone sealant and buffed the floor to enhance its brand-new look. Sir Grout's exclusive sealant is resistant to water, mold, mildew, artificial products, and other elements. It also protects natural stone against gradual decay so homeowners have less trouble keeping their floors in top condition.
The client was impressed by the result and grateful for our services. She couldn't wait to tell her friends and colleagues about the wonders of our stone restoration method. Her floor looked better than ever and she couldn't be happier, but she still took a moment to ask for additional cleaning advice.
In many cases, a strict cleaning schedule makes no change on a damaged stone surface. The signs of etching are not easy to conceal, even during the early stages. Wear and tear can also be a challenge, especially when you add other factors like moisture buildup and foot traffic into the mix. With this in mind, our techs shared some tips to address these issues before getting ready to leave the client's home.
While traditional cleaners work against many common stains, they're often ineffective against embedded dirt. More importantly, they only add to the existing damage that marble floors are bound to collect after a couple of months. Our techs introduced Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner as the ideal alternative to improve cleaning results and enhance the durability of natural stone surfaces. It removes all the stains in record time without requiring the use of additional cleaning formulas. This extends to embedded dirt on harder-to-reach surfaces. Since our cleaner has no chemical elements, there's no risk of discoloring marble surfaces after regular use. Homeowners can save time while preserving their floor's natural beauty, all without worrying about toxic fumes remaining in the air.
This is the first step in a successful cleaning routine, but our specialists had other pointers for the client. To prevent scratch marks, they recommended using non-abrasive tools like a towel or a terry cloth. These tools also allow more precision when removing small stains, especially when compared to steel wools. It's also essential to remove individual stains that appear in between routine cleaning sessions. Otherwise, the marks left by grease and other substances will only increase the chances of moisture buildup. On this end, our techs also gave a general reminder to open the windows and doors at any sign of the air becoming stale indoors.
Do you want to breathe life into your marble surfaces? Sir Grout Westchester is the best ally you could ask for. Our team brings decades of combined experience to give you the service you need depending on your floor's condition. We're experts at restoring all types of natural stone surfaces so you can rest easy knowing that our services will deliver the expected results. Feel free to call (914) 592-5902 if you have questions, or schedule a free quote online to request an in-home evaluation. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.