A Shower in Armonk Regained All Its Beauty After Our Top-Tier Caulking Services
February 14, 2025
A homeowner in Armonk had many reservations about store-bought products after getting lackluster results in his master shower for weeks. The mold between the tiles was becoming unbearable since none of his efforts stopped it from spreading across the floor and the walls. Many of the tiles had yellow marks from exposure to minerals, and the stall just looked too unhygienic to provide any comfort. Still, the homeowner's main concern was the growing number of cracks running across the horizontal seams.
Obviously, regular cleaners would not help with such a problem, so he decided to try his luck online. He started looking for some maintenance tips when he came across our website, and from there, it wasn't long before he reached our picture gallery. The examples of our shower restoration process looked impressive, so he knew right away that he needed to get in touch with our caulking services in Armonk.
A few days after he filled out the website's contact form, the homeowner welcomed our specialists into his house, right on schedule for an in-home evaluation. The stains were in plain sight, with mold spreading from all the grout lines on the floor. Upon a closer look, our techs counted all the gaps on the seams, noting that most of the grout had gone loose from exposure to moisture and sediments. The result was even more water and soap seeping behind the tiles and risking structural damage. When the client asked about it, our experts confirmed that regular cleaners could add to all of these issues by creating a foamy film over the porous surface. That's one of the reasons why Sir Grout's cleaning process doesn't subject hard surfaces to the acidic imbalances in these products.
Once the inspection was complete, our crew offered to return later that week to make the necessary repairs, and the homeowner immediately agreed to this plan.
On the scheduled date, they came back to the house with the necessary equipment to clean the shower and restore the grout. They used a non-toxic cleaner to remove all traces of grime, mold, and mildew, scrubbing between all the tiles before vapor cleaning the shower for good measure.
For the next step, our experts removed the loose caulk on the corner joints and installed epoxy grout on the seams. Because our epoxy mix doesn't have the problems of cement-based grout, the surface isn't vulnerable to water, mold, and other external elements, so there's no absorption of residue. Our regrouting services are the perfect way to make a shower look as good as new while removing all the structural risks that can't be avoided with cement-based grout.
The lines on the walls and the rest of the floor were restored with our flagship ColorSeal, an acrylic-based sealant that works as a protective barrier against moisture, soap scum, and mold, preserving the grout's color for much longer. Our crew made their way around the entire shower stall, including the threshold, to ensure that nothing ruined the grout's uniform appearance.
Then, they applied sealant to the tiles and made sure everything was ready before calling the client back into the room. The shower looked spotless while exuding elegance from all angles. Its beauty was elevated by the fine lines lining the floor tiles and the seams. After taking his time to admire our techs' work, the client thanked them for their services and promised to recommend Sir Grout Westchester to more people in Armonk.
After completing another successful restoration, our specialists went over important steps that should be part of a residential cleaning routine. They started by recommending pH-neutral formulas like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner when it comes to cleaning grout and high-traffic surfaces. Unlike other products in the market, our cleaner provides maximum effectiveness, removing mold, mildew, soap scum, and other stains without subjecting the tiles to harsh treatment. There's no risk of damage after regular use because it has no chemical ingredients that could open the grout pores down the line. This also means that there are no toxic fumes to worry about while you work on your household chores.
The right cleaning tools will go a long way to simplify your cleaning routine, which is why our crew also recommended using a towel or a squeegee over steel wools and other sharp tools. Non-abrasive tools gather the dirt more thoroughly without risking scratches on delicate shower surfaces. As always, our techs ended the appointment with a general reminder to mind the air quality inside the bathroom and the importance of good ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. Then, they left the house with the client's gratitude and the satisfaction of a job well done.
Sir Grout Westchester provides high-quality restoration services to help you revive any part of your home, including floors, countertops, and shower surfaces. With our services, you can boast a gorgeous bathroom for weeks without making any major changes to your cleaning routine, so don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested in learning more. You can call (914) 592-5902 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment with our crew. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.